Sunday, July 19, 2009

More floral tributes

Stunning roses ......

I was not able to determine the name of this shrub. Except for the extra petal it reminded me of the trillium.
The larger picture, not very trillium-like.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Flowers in the Cemeteries

These stunning roses are only a few of the thousands that are planted at the grave sites.

It turns out the War Graves Commission has a horticultural element. I had wondered.

I will post more picutres later. The fowers were quite beautiful and every so often I couldn't help myself and had to take a picture of some stunning example.

St. Julien part 2

A Queens Own Rifles patch goes up... Ed is in the background.

Everyone gets ready.

Visitors before us had planted the Canadian flags. It was a windy day and they were alive on the monument, fluttering. It was very solemn.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi to all.

I thought I'd just post a note to let you know I am still uploading pictures and details to expand the site. New material was posted to-day but I am keeping the chronological order from the Itinerary. So go check out Belgium entries.